Are you looking for
Scope app was designed to help you find the best business in the area, in addition to their details, offers, events, location, and much more.
Download Scope
Scope is available on both Android and iOS platforms.
Create your account
Of course, you can use it without creating an account. Having a free account allows you to use
more features.
On Geo Map
More than 20 business categories are available on Scope to find what you want on a professional
Geo map.
Get involved
Mark your favourites, to get notified about the recent from the favourite business.
App Features
1. Offers
Scope has more than 35 categories, each includes many stores that daily place their best and cheapest offers.
2. Geolocation Map
With the attractive Geo map, all Scope’s stores will appear in a pretty way to help you find the nearest to your location.
3. Notifications
Scope’s advanced notification system helps you to be always informed and notified about the latest news from the stores nearby.
4. Communication
Scope gives you various ways to communicate with any business, calling them, visiting their websites, find their location, and finally the most important to chat with them in Scope.